Personalized Functional Advanced nutrition consulting, that creates a leaner, healthier, and stronger individual.

Whole person’s pursuit of long-term weight management, that is based on physiology.




You have a busy lifestyle with a ton of responsibilities. You take care of everything and everyone but tend to dismiss your own health and body. You have low energy and your blood sugars are unstable leading to uncontrollable brain fog, lack of focus and extra pounds. You regain weight after every “diet” and are confused by the information online. Is it vegan? Is it a carnivore? Is it keto? Is it omnivore? Is it Elemental? Is it P.E? I get it.

Most people can relate to feeling depleted, tired, and moody. Some may even have a hard time getting up in the morning. But when it becomes an everyday battle for you, something needs to change. And when you’re not sure how to find a trustworthy resource to help you, it makes taking that first step feel downright impossible. But know that you’re not alone.

Hi, my name is Victoria Cannon. I have an MBA in International Business and I worked in the corporate world for many years. My colleagues and clients were people from all around the world with different cultures, backgrounds, health issues, and dietary beliefs so I’ve learned from all of their experiences. I know how it feels to be completely lacking in energy, it impacts your life to the point of you missing out on doing the things you love! But you know what? There’s so much we can do to change that and I hope you’ll join me in learning how! 

I inherited my passion for Ancestral Nutrition and Functional/Naturopathic Medicine after seeing firsthand how my husband and I transformed our health. After going Paleo together and seeing tremendous change in our mental focus, physical energy, body transformation, and me getting pregnant in a matter of months, it’s become our natural lifestyle for the last 10 years.

My husband saw an increase in his productivity, he quit all his medications and had enough energy to grow his business AND still be here for our family. I continue to keep my Hashimoto’s disease under control and have enough energy to take care of my family, and my clients, and still do CrossFit training! I keep my weight stable through pandemics, injuries, vacations, Birthdays, and holidays. And with my help, the possibilities can be endless for you too! 

Because of my extraordinary success with this lifestyle, I dove deep into learning Nutrition and Naturopathic/Functional Medicine. Today I’m a Functional Health Coach through the Kresser Institute, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, trained under Dr. Bryan Walsh( Clinician’s Code), certified in a detox program, Functional Blood Chemistry, Physiology, and Biochemistry. I am a learner and investor in my knowledge.

Helping countless people who are suffering just like I was has become my passion. I truly believe you can completely transform your life as I did and I want you to feel as good mentally and physically as I do.

If this sounds interesting then you and I should connect!



A Mom, MBA, National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Functional Medicine Health Coach, Functional Nutrition Coach, Certified in Functional Detox, Cell Blueprint, fitness enthusiast, critical thinker, and lifelong learner.



Be a role model to your family. Strong, Lean, Focused, and Healthy.